Davison serves the PEO and ASO industry with high performance PEO software and ASO software solutions that integrate payroll, human resources, benefits administration, billing and accounts receivable.
Initially, they came to me for a sales campaign that would target current clients of their competitors. The campaign would be conducted in waves, with the first wave focusing on one their largest competitors' customers, who seem to be experiencing the most pain. 
The campaign consisted of a letter and datasheet (sent in 2-day mailer), followed up with phone call invitation to a webinar. The mailing would be sent to known clients of this competitor in the first wave. Additional waves would follow an identical process, swapping out competitor product name/call out within the marketing material.
We then created an integrated campaign for the NAPEO Conference.
Full Page Magazine Ad in PEO Insider 
Sales Sheet
Rack Card
Sales Sheet
Powerpoint master page template
Conference Booth Display

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